Facilitate participation An enabling environment is an environment that has reduced the barriers that hinder the participation of children with disabilities in society. Society is not well equipped to facilitate...
In every country where we operate, we work together with local partner organisations. Network of local partner organisations Liliane Fonds collaborates with Partner Organisations (POs) to provide the best solutions...
Creating leverage to achieve an inclusive society Coalition Building Bringing about sustainable change often requires the support and action of a united front. We have more leverage when joining forces...
Increasing knowledge on sexual and reproductive health helps decreasing chances of abuse. Breaking taboos My Body is Mine, a project launched in Indonesia in 2018, aims to provide comprehensive sexuality...
Rehabilitation Compass ensures good rehabilitation care is accessible Children with disabilities in Cameroon can get access to quality rehabilitation care through the Rehabilitation Compass programme, which we run with our...
An important step in child development Equal opportunities Accessible, affordable, and good quality rehabilitation services are still not available for everyone in need of it in low- and middle-income countries....
Every child wants to learn Learning opportunities Inclusive education for children with disabilities is one of the most important strategies of Liliane Fonds. 50% of all children with a disability...
Opportunities for decent work and income Decent work and income Liliane Fonds aims for youngsters with disabilities to gain a sustainable livelihood. They should have access to social protection measures...