Nourou Dine

Livelihood Skills Project

Disability inclusion and entrepeneurship in Mamfe, Cameroon

Working with young refugees with a disability

The Livelihood Skills Project in Mamfe, in the north of Cameroon, works with disabled youth from refugee and host communities in and around Mamfe. This project, implemented by Nicky’s Foundation, focuses on disability inclusion and entrepreneurship. It also deals with the complexities of a conflict situation and the internal displacement of populations in this area.

The Livelihood Skills Project’s goal is twofold: for 90 Youths with Disabilities (YwDs) to be actively engaged in livelihood and self-employment activities and to generate an income for Youths with Disabilities in the Mamfe area by December 2023.


It works towards these goals by teaching skills and providing individualised support to these youngsters in the vocational training and the community centre. The support empowers these youngsters. The project also works with the families and community environment of the youth to provide them with the necessary help. It works with the local business environment to improve the accessibility of infrastructure and the acceptance of disabled entrepreneurs.

Objectives & results

  • Improve the livelihood of Youths with Disabilities;
  • Increase self-employment rates amongst Youths with Disabilities;
  • Encourage an enabling environment for Youths with Disabilities;
  • Generate an income in the Mamfe Area for Youths with Disabilities.